Auto enrolment fines

Auto Enrolment Fines Rise

Auto Enrolment Fines rise Auto Enrolment Fines have risen in the last 3 months. Employers have been warned by The Pensions Regulator (TPR) that if they ignore their auto-enrolment duties they could find themselves with a large fine and county court judgment (CCJ). Data from TPR shows the number of fines associated with implementing workplace pensions has…

Employers Are You Claiming Your Employers Allowance?

Employers are you claiming your Employers Allowance? Most employers are entitled to claim Employers allowance worth £3000 this tax year against your business National Insurance, but many are missing out. We have identified refunds worth £16,000 for new clients in April alone when setting up their payroll. Many small employers running their payroll in house appear to be unaware of this significant…

IR35 Test Case

IR35 Test Case HMRC has won its first IR35 test case. The Managed Serviced Company (MSC) rules were introduced from 6 April 2007 to crack down on businesses that ignored the IR35 rules on an industrial scale. Those businesses provided tens of thousands of workers such as cleaners, drivers and security guards, with packaged service companies.…

Employers allowance

Employers Allowance For NI We have noticed a number of new clients have not been claiming their Employers Allowance for NI through payroll. We have saved each client up to £4000 each when taking over new payrolls recently and checking if they have enabled the employment allowance claim. This is easily missed, particularly by smaller employers without…

Budget 2016

Budget 2016 Budget 2016 at a glance Chancellor George Osborne has delivered his Budget 2016, setting out the government’s latest plans for the nation’s finances. Here are some of the key points: The personal tax allowance will go up to £11,500 from April 2017. The chancellor says this will give 31 million people a tax cut,…