Move Your Payroll 
How to move your payroll is one of the biggest concerns that we have seen when talking to clients when outsourcing payroll from one place to another.
Technology usually allows for a very easy transition. It usually provides us with the ability to upload the exact data from your previous payroll provider or your own inhouse software. If for some reason we are unable to do so, we are able to manually input the data relatively quickly.
We can usually setup a client within 48 hours for payroll once we have received all the data.
Moving payroll. How it works:
Its Simple.
Get in touch to let us know you wish us to operate your payroll. We will run through the options available to you and agree how much you want us to deal with. Details of the main options are on our pricing page. We can also tailor our service to your individual needs.
You will need to notify your current payroll provider and give notice. If you process in house we can guide you through what data we require.
We will request details of your current arrangements and obtain the data.
We will agree a start date – often within a month
A dedicated manager of your payroll will be appointed as your contact, and a service level agreement with terms and conditions setting out what you can expect from us are provided.
You are ready to go once the data is received and set up by us. We can then process your payroll.
If you have concerns whatsoever about moving payroll, give us a call on 01309 641222 or email