Payroll Tax Rates 2018 / 2019
Standard tax code is 1185L. This gives an annual earnings allowance of £11,850
England, Northern Ireland & Wales
2018-2019 Bandwidths Tax Rate
Taxable Earnings 0 - £34,500 20%
Taxable Earnings £34,501 - £150,000 40%
Taxable Earnings £150,000 45%
2018-2019 Bandwidths Tax Rate
Scottish Starter Tax Rate up to £2,000 19% on annual earnings above the PAYE tax threshold
Taxable Earnings £2,001 - £12,150 20%
Taxable Earnings £12,151 to £31,580 21%
Taxable Earnings £31,581 - £150,000 41%
Taxable Earnings £150,000 46%
Statutory Payments
Statutory Payments
Statutory Sick Pay up to 28 weeks (no reimbursement) £89.35pw £17.87 per day - 5 days
Statutory Maternity /Adoption Pay paid for 39 weeks First 6 weeks 90% of average weekly earnings Followed by 33 weeks at £145.18 or average weekly earnings if less
Statutory Paternity Pay up to 2 weeks £145.18 or average weekly earnings if less
Small Employer Threshold Less than £45,000 of previous years NIC Recover 100% plus 3% compensation
Large Employer Only on SMP/SPP/SAP 92% Recovery
National Minimum Wage
National Minimum Wage
Age Rate per hour
From 1/04/18
Apprentice £3.70
16-17 £4.20
18-20 £5.90
21-24 £7.38
25+ £7.83
National Insurance Earnings
National Insurance Earnings Per Week Per Month Per Annum Employees Employers
Lower Earnings Limit
(LEL)£116 £503 £6,032 Nil Nil
Primary Threshold
(PT)£162 £702 £8,424 12% 13.8%
Secondary Threshold
(ST)£162 £702 £8,424 12% 13.8%
Upper Accrual Point
(UAP)£892 £3,863 £46,350 12% 13.8%
Above Upper Earnings Limit
(UEL)£892 £3,863 £46,350 2% 13.8%
NB Less up to £2000 Annual Employment Allowance
Full details of all tax rates can be found on the HMRC site.