Payroll Service For Small Businesses
Highland Payroll Services is a specialist payroll service outsourcing company based in the Highlands of Scotland covering the UK.
Whether you employ 100+ staff, or just one, processing payroll can be a significant investment of time each week, or month, for any employer. When you add the cost of the payroll software, and the need to be kept constantly up to date with all the tax, NI, pension and employment legislation changes it makes sense to consider outsourcing your payroll to a specialist payroll service company.
We have a simple pricing structure that can be tailored to your exact requirements. starting at just £15 for one employee. For details and examples of our pricing (click here).
There are no set up costs or hidden fees.
We can help you to deal with all aspects of payroll including: Year-end procedures, P60s, SSP, SMP, SPP. New starters checklist, P45s, holiday pay and redundancy calculations. Flexible pricing to reflect how much you wish to outsource.
By becoming your online HMRC PAYE agent for payroll services, we deal with the Revenue on your behalf, submitting your RTI and annual returns.
Your payroll is processed electronically which saves costs. Paper payslips and reports can still be provided, as well as arranged payments of salaries to employees and to HMRC for your tax and NI on your behalf if required.
We have 20 years of payroll experience and are associate members of The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP).
We pride ourselves on our professional approach and our aim is to make the processing of payroll as straightforward as possible and, of course, trouble-free.
If you are looking for excellent customer service and a strong client-centred payroll provider – Highland Payroll Services is for you. We have great customer feedback. Look at what our customers say.
Call us now to discuss on 01309 641222. We look forward to hearing from you.