Auto Enrolment Presentation
Carl Wright is making a an auto enrolment presentation For FSB members and guests In Elgin
Every employer – even if they only employ one person – must automatically enrol workers onto a workplace pension scheme if that worker is aged between 22 and the state pension age and earn more than £10,000 per year. Our auto enrolment presentation will cover this important area for small employers.
Your Moray Branch Committee extends an invitation to find out more….
Wednesday 16th March 2016
Eight Acres Hotel, Elgin, IV36 6UL
7.00p.m. for 7.15p.m. Presentation.
Carl Wright ACIPP
Followed by Supper & Networking.
Supper & Refreshments are available and the opportunity to make business contacts and include a guest when booking your place.
Please would you let our Secretary, Angus Dixon know that you are coming by – Friday 11th.March 2016, including any special requirements. or phone 01343 890285 or 07990 927 891.